
A little taste of my experiences over the next year or so. This blog will take place mostly in SOHA (South of Harlem) where I will be living and attending Columbia grad school. This year will be a time of changes; my sister getting married, my parents move from Highland Park to Cleveland, suddenly my friends are going through adult transitions, and my own adjustment to the Big Apple as well as trying to figure out my life.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Weekend

This weekend has been busy. No, I didn't do any reading or preparation for class, busier in a less industrious manner.

FRIDAY I woke up early and ran over to Shira's new apartment with Mike to help them with their move. I pretty much sat around and held Shira's hand. The bonus was watching the Israeli movers doing their job, and of course hanging out with Shira and jumping on her new bed. That evening Anna came in and after a quick dinner we went down to Delancey and Essex to a jazz bar. Anna said we were going to Ponic, but once we got there it turned out to be the much more comprehensible Tonic. We met up with her friend Dan "Biblical name that starts with an E" Kerner who she had hung out with in Israel and Hungary. We listened to some very cool music, had a drink across the street, and then Anna and I headed back for the I House Party. It was pretty crazy watching my neighbors who are all button down grad students incredibly drunk and shaking in a very unprofessional way.

SATURDAY Anna was still over, and we slept all day. Literally. That night I went out with Suzana and we ran into Brittany and we headed over to our favorite cafe, Saurin Parke. They have great guacamole and excellent service in the form of bartender Greg.

SUNDAY was a bit of a let down at first. I had plans to go over to Jewpalooza, but when I got there it was mostly Orthodoxish families listening to Klezmer. I ended up walking through a block party up to my nearest Jamba, 20 blocks away, cause I had a craving. By the time I got back a Yemenite rapper had started his thing and was trying to get 8 and 80 year olds to holler back at him. I left. I got back to I House and got ready for Sunday Supper. It's one of the few formal events IH hosts and it was really great. I got to see my neighbors who I'd last seen grinding dressed up and sipping punch. The night's speaker is the CEO of the Red Cross and she was very interesting and made a special note about the Magen David Adom. Julianna, a very beautiful woman from Brazil who lives at IH played a piece on the piano and another student Shireen sang three songs from different Operas. I truly believe the best part of this living experience is meeting tons of people who are all at the top of their field and passionate about what they do.

MONDAY is not exactly part of the weekend, but since I have no classes I count it. Today Brittany and I headed over to Little Italy for San Gennero. I was expecting something cultural, but besides a few Italian themed food booths, it was just another block party. It was nice to walk around, though, and it was hot so we got ourselves some tans I think.

So, tomorrow classes and reading must begin. I think tonight I'll go out and join Beth for a drink or two.


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