
A little taste of my experiences over the next year or so. This blog will take place mostly in SOHA (South of Harlem) where I will be living and attending Columbia grad school. This year will be a time of changes; my sister getting married, my parents move from Highland Park to Cleveland, suddenly my friends are going through adult transitions, and my own adjustment to the Big Apple as well as trying to figure out my life.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year 2007

I started off the last day of 2006 by calling Yohoshua and wishing him a happy birthday (and then yelling at him for preferring Sam and Russell to me (but who can blame him, they're cute and can cook)). I then headed over to Shira and Mike's to join them and Leigh to go to the Natural History Museum. The girls straightened my hair, and then we all headed to lunch, and it was clear that there would be no museum going. We did some window shopping and then went back to their home. We played the 20th Anniversary Edition of Trivial Pursuit, and Mike beat us all pretty badly. Shira had bought a ton of different stinky cheeses, one better than the other, and we noshed and drank wine while watching Ace of Cakes before turning to the Times Square ball-drop.

Just after midnight I ran out to join Brittany and some friends over at the bar Mona. There was a $40 cover, that somehow I skipped paying (it's a mystery). We hung out dancing to the dance beats which turned to reggae when the islander DJ got his way. There was a 95 year old woman bouncing around with 20 year olds. There were a lot of random people coming together to make out. Rather wild times.

I took a nice walk home, and thanks to my phone connected with a few people. Thank goodness I don't have any really long distance numbers on my cell, or I would have called them all. A nice surprise was that after I left a message for Yella, she called back. I had thought she was still in Mexico but she was happy at home. I had connected with a good friend from OSU, Erin Martell, earlier in the day, and I need to reach my great friends Emily and Jason. I tell you, the nicest and greatest people you'll ever meet are in Ohio. Who knew?

Last night I had another nice dinner with Michael and Manu and then we went to the Magic Johnson Theater in Harlem to see Night at the Museum. I tell ya, I hate going to movie theaters. People today just don't understand how to be considerate. This time wasn't so bad, except the man next to me answered his phone 3 times and had conversations. Grrrrrr. People, PLEASE!

Emily is off to Israel! What shall I do without my twin for two weeks??? She's going to have so much fun, I can't wait for the pictures!

WARNING: adult concepts and words below
A friend from EIE (high school in Israel), Liat, sent me an email to promote her new business. So, being the good friend I am, I am happy to promote it to you.

Liat of the pillow-case dress in Israel is now making vagina pillows, it all comes full circle. I'm excited that Liat has found her passion and has combined her craftiness with her love of women's rights. So, if inspired, please shop with Liat and let her know I sent her the business!


Blogger Random said...

Shout out for Ohio--we are damn nice people!

Oh right and Happy New Year Kinneret!

2:58 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Aw, thanaks for the free promotion! You are awesome!!! -Liat
(I like that it warns for adult content- haha)

1:57 PM  

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